Inbox Networking is redefining the weekly Networking. We are keeping the consistent, weekly exposure, 30-60 second introduction, exclusive one per professional designation member and dedicated sales/marketing team that a Networking group/chapter provides. These are the attributes members love! And potentially even better, we are getting rid of the inconvenient, mandatory weekly meeting and high cost of membership. These are the two biggest detractors when it comes to Networking groups.
In Networking, consistency is key! So is continually educating your chapter members about your business, i.e. what’s new, what you are doing, how to best introduce your product or service. And as with other Networking groups, but certainly not all, once you fill the spot in your professional role, no same professional can join the chapter. Those 30-40 members are all now keeping you top of mind to refer their Network!
Furthermore, you’ll now longer be required to attend weekly meetings. We want you working in and on your business as much as you do! Nor will you have to pay $1000 plus per year to belong and get the benefits of an exclusive Network!
Inbox Networking is designed to provide all the value of weekly Networking with little to no inconveniences of attendance and no high prices. Now, we will ask you to attend about one meeting quarterly to meet and greet your fellow chapter members. We also encourage arranging coffees, lunches, workout sessions, etc. to get to know one another. But that will all be done on YOUR time.
Here is a list of benefits of joining an Inbox Networking chapter:
• One representative per business category (You’re unique! And so is your industry in the group). • Weekly distribution of referral list with your new, unique message weekly, contact info, etc. • 30-40 person marketing/sales department that consistently see your name and business weekly keeping you and your business top of mind. • Member highlight up to twice a year. Exclusive, in depth write-up/article/video interview about you and your business. • Quarterly meet and greet with your group fellow networkers (+ a couple others for special occasions) • Membership to closed Facebook group for discussions, networking, other training, messages from Inbox Networking, etc. • No weekly meetings cutting into time running your business, or whatever else you like to do! • We speak once quarterly with you or at your business about relationship selling and networking. • Building a community within your community for your community! • Grow your business exponentially through no cost referrals. • Learn valuable skills to build better relationships and create more sales and more revenue not only through the group but all the time. • Discounted rates for Craig’s Relationship Sales Coaching/Networking